Sorry I've been away folks. I've been working hard preparing for the "Stark" show at Foothills Art Center. I will have ten works in the show -most of which are new or have never been exhibited before. The group show consists of all black-and-white works and includes my first site-specific wall painting since moving to Denver. I've also been spending the last few days helping Mindy Bray work on her monumental wall painting (sneak peek above). She's been up on scaffolding and ladders for over a week now with a rotating cast of assistants like myself - it is a very impressive work and her largest yet. If you are in the area don't miss it. I'll post photos on Saturday. The details for the exhibition are as follows:
Join us at Foothills Art Center for the STARK opening reception on Friday, May 14 from 5:30 pm to 8 pm. An exhibition of photography, painting, drawing, video and installation, STARK is an unmistakably candid and personal look into the beauty and intrigue of our world simplified to black, white and the grey areas found in between.
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