Monday, March 12, 2012

A few highlights from NY

I spent the weekend at the art fairs in NY - visiting the Armory, Volta, Scope and the Dependent. As with any art fair(s), there is a huge range of work in terms of style, subject matter, quality, etc. The fairs were bustling and everyone you asked had a different opinion about which was best (my favorite was Volta). Overall, it was a great trip. Here are a few highlights:

Friend and fellow SCAD grad, Michael Scoggin's show at Freight and Volume

Alec Soth at Sean Kelly -where I also was able to watch the documentary "Somewhere to Disappear" :

The Soth show was my favorite gallery show - Soth describes it this way; "It's not really about running away, it's about having the desire to run away"

I liked these quiet, dry, semi-abstract paintings in the Norwegian section of the Armory (my favorite section) by Thomas Hylander ( pictured: "Donder", 2012, Acrylic on Canvas 16x20")

Fritjof Nansen by Gisle Harr at No gallery.

There were a lot of photographers in the fairs, but these dream-like painterly photographs by German photographer Stefan Krauth were my favorites- with all kinds of grain/dust/scratches

This painting (left) by Niall McClelland was a memorable one from Scope ("Trash Bulbs 1", 2011; aerosol paint and broken light bulbs on raw canvas; 56 x 40 inches) via Envoy Enterprises

Certainly there was a lot more art than I'm picturing here- I should also probably say that a lot of the great work being shown/made here in Denver easily stood up to what was being exhibited in the art fairs in NY - so you don't have to travel far to see great art. On that note, check out Mindy Bray's current exhibit at Rule!

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