DJ Dert has put up several so-called "beat-tape" albums including one that remixes Jose Gonzalez (that one's for you Alan) into laid back mostly-instrumental beats. Go to
his myspace page where he has them up for free - click on the album cover and it will take you to a site to download them...

Also -
Wixel just posted his album for February called "Clouds". He is embarkign on a very ambitions project - making a album every month this year and releasing the physical copies in the form of hand-stamped/hand-packaged limited editions. The albums are also available
here as a free download from the artist. His record label site says it specializes in "music to fall asleep to" - also great for reading or studying.
I'm keeping this 'Music for Your Studio' thing going -because I love music and I'm amazed at the quantity (and quality) of free and legal albums out there that are worth listening to.
that Dert stuff is really good. i came across another free download recently by Diego Bernal that has a similar instrumental hiphop feel. http://www.antipop.net/releases/exp15.php
thanks for the tip - I'll post that on a future 'music for your studio'...
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